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The Age of Chivalry

On the death of Arthur's father, King Uther Pendragon, Arthur was 15 yrs old and was being raised by a noble family. He was squire to his foster brother Sir Kay, a knight. Nobody knew who was to be King. Arthur himself did not know that he was the son of the late King. During these Dark Ages, the land was divided and without a King. Out of this period rose a legend of the coming of a King, by the one who could draw the Sword of Britain from an anvil of steel upon a great marble stone in the churchyard of 'the greatest church in London'. Written in gold letters about the sword read:

"Whoso pulleth out this sword of this

stone and anvil, is rightwise born the

king of all England."

All of the chief lords had tried pulling the sword from the anvil and stone, but none could move it. On New Years day there was a tournament at which Arthur's knight was to fight. When he got to the ground, Arthur realized that he had forgotten the knight's sword. When Arthur went to retrieve the sword, it was missing. But, remembering the sword in the anvil and stone, he went and pulled at it, and it came out of the anvil at once. This caused such a commotion that Arthur put the sword back again into the anvil. Others then tried to pull it out, but could not move it, but when Arthur tried, he drew the sword out quite easily. So he was proclaimed King.

GCB: 95.03.21